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American Technical Ceramics(ATC)设计,开发,制造和销售用于射频,微波和毫米波应用的多层电容器,单层电容器,电阻产品,电感器和定制薄膜产品。我们的产品主要专注于无线通信基础设施,光纤,医疗电子,半导体制造设备,国防,航空航天和卫星通信市场。五十多年来,American Technical Ceramics(ATC)的高级组件和定制集成包装解决方案系列已由THE ENGINEERS的CHOICETM品牌代表。
客户界面由American Technical Ceramics(ATC)自己的人员和独立销售代表管理。 American Technical Ceramics总部位于纽约亨廷顿车站,在佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔设有先进技术中心。这是American Technical Ceramics(ATC)传统产品线以及薄膜和电阻产品开发和制造设施的卓越中心。
American Technical Ceramics(ATC)的销售和客户服务中心位于捷克共和国,服务于欧洲,非洲和中东地区。 American Technical Ceramics(ATC)的西欧销售办事处位于英国萨里。该公司的全资子公司为亚洲提供销售和技术支持,位于中国深圳。
American Technical Ceramics是AVX Corp.的全资子公司.AVX的普通股在纽约证券交易所上市(代码“AVX”)。
American Technical Ceramics (ATC) designs, develops, manufactures and markets Multilayer Capacitors, Single Layer Capacitors, Resistive Products, Inductors and Custom Thin Film Products for RF, microwave and millimeter-wave applications. Our products are primarily focused on the wireless communications infrastructure, fiber optic, medical electronics, semiconductor manufacturing equipment, defense, aerospace, and satellite communications markets. For over fifty years, ATC's family of superior component and custom integrated packaging solutions has been represented by THE ENGINEERS' CHOICETM brand.
Customer interface is administered by our own personnel and independent sales representatives. American Technical Ceramics is headquartered in Huntington Station, New York and has an Advanced Technology Center in Jacksonville, Florida. This is the center of excellence for our traditional product lines and the development and manufacturing facilities for Thin Film and Resistive Products.
American Technical Ceramics' Sales and Customer Service Center, serving Europe, Africa and the Middle East, is located in the Czech Republic. American Technical Ceramics (ATC)'s Western European Sales Office is located in Surrey, England. The Company's wholly-owned subsidiary offering Sales and Technical Support for Asia is located in Shenzhen, P.R. China.
American Technical Ceramics is a wholly-owned subsidiary of AVX Corp. The common stock of AVX is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (symbol "AVX").
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